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Yoga Sukshma
Articles and Lecture presentations by Ganesh
Sutra Study Series
The Bhagavad Gita study series
The tale of the two waves
Puranas and Ithihasas
Finding Moola Bandha Workshop
Subtle aspects of hatha Yoga
Mythology and Symbolism behind asanas
Yoga Philosophies from ancient India
The Yoga of the Kathopanishad
Mythology and Symbolism behind Asanas-2
The Subtler dimensions of Asana Practice
Yoga Arudam - The Yogi's lifestyle and their Destiny
Atma Jnanam - Knowledge of the Atma
Finding the Purusha through balancing poses
Prana and Agni
An Introduction to Yoga Shastra and Philosophy
Bandhas and beyond
Who is a Yogi (as defined in the scriptures on yoga)
An Introduction to Yoga Sutras and Yoga Philosophy
Mystical dimensions of asana practice
The making of a Yogi
The lifestyle of a yogi and asana practice
Anga Laghavam - experience of lightness of the body in Asana pr
Aalambana -anchors in asana practice
Gifts of Yoga
Accessing deep stated of the mind through Prayatna and Shaitilya
Sequential and Non-sequential Progression
What comes from the long term practice of yoga - 2 ?
The Psychology of Food Craving and how Yoga helps overcome this
An Introduction to Yoga Philosophy
An empty stomach has one problem; A full stomach has a 100 problems
Lessons from Kapotasana
Long term practice of Yoga
The perfect pose: Perspectives from Ashtavakrasana
The Yogi, the Bogi and the Rogi
The costume that is hard to remove
Yoga: Then and Now - A lighter look at this ancient inward gazing practice
Know the rules of yoga well to break them correctly
Wind and Fire: Vatha and Pittha
Khlada - Pleasure not of the senses
The Psychology of Back Bends
An asana to boost your self confidence- Vasishtasana
Data-driven vs intuition based decision making
Guide to studying the Sutras and other yogic texts
The powerful yet ignored
Flexibility vs Malleability
By whatever means possible ...
What happens during meditation ? - From the annals of the Yoga Sutras
Removing the shroud of mystery surrounding ashtanga yoga
Vasanas and Samskaras: The "smell" of latent impressions
Moola Bandha Workshop
Once a Yogi always a Yogi
The Eustress and Distress of asana practice
Finding a suitable Yoga teacher : A scriptural perspective
Advanced Asana Practice and Circus
Breath, Bandha and Agni(Fire) : The core of Hatha Yoga
Ekapada Shirashasana and Ego in asana practice
The seldom taught part of asana practice
Yoganidrasana - The Cosmic Sleep Pose : Mythology and Subtle aspects
Links to topics on the subtle body
Kurmasana - Mythology and Symbolism
Pashasana: Conquering death through Yamas and Niyamas
The method prescribed by tradition to read the yoga sutras
Prowess in Poses
The Purusha Prakriti Conondrum
The difference between Hot Yoga and Hatha Yoga
Shri Mayuram : The Venerable Asana
As the Body is for the Purusha, Asanas are for Yoga
The Primordial Tapas
The Atma is much more difficult to realize than Ishwara
Mindfulness (Smriti): Tapping into the body's memory in asana practice
The most compelling link between yoga and vegetarianism in the scriptures
What is a Vinyasa ?
"Don't lose the thread" in yoga practice
Bandhas Demystified (without cosmic consciousness)
Yoga not enjoined by scriptures
The sequence of pleasure states in yoga
The body as a playground in yoga practice
Bandhas- The great protectors in asana practice
The Goddess Pose
The two types of asana practices
Aalambana: Support or Anchor in Yoga Practice
The guy who would fix his hair every few asanas
Mythology and Symbolism : Vasishtasana and Vishwamitrasana
Vajrasana, Laghu Vajrasana and Supta Vajrasana
Between the earth and the sky
Meditation posture
Parigasana: Gateway to the divine abode
Entering the eye of the storm
When Ego Busting becomes Ego Boosting
Dhvandhva - dualities (internal conflicts) and removal through asanas
Shraddha - Seen and unseen fruits of Yoga
Perspectives on Advanced Asanas
Your most valuable possessions for yoga -agni and prana
Why study the scriptures ?
Guru Worship in asana practice
Practical Implications of Agni and Prana
Setu Bandasana - Mythology and Symbolism
Backbends- natural stimulants
Creating space for the scriptures to do their work through asana practice
Asana Adjustments - The double edged sword
To prop or not to prop -that is the question
An overview summary of Yoga Arudam : A scriptural perspective
The use of Ujjayi Breath in Asana Practice
The most difficult aspect of yoga practice
A comparitive study of two great scriptures on Yoga
Durvasana -Mythology and Symbolism
Galavasana - Mythology and Symbolism
But what about the heavens ?
Janma and Karma : Which came first ?
Asana practice without inculcating other aspects of yoga
The analogy of the mind to a movie theater
Our 3 bodies
Gifts of Illness
Mythology and symbolism behind Bhairavasana
Seeming contradictions in the Bhagavad Gita
The Expanded Yoga Sutra Study Series
About the author
Why this site
Yoga Sukshma
Articles and Lecture presentations by Ganesh
Sutra Study Series
The Bhagavad Gita study series
The tale of the two waves
Puranas and Ithihasas
Finding Moola Bandha Workshop
Subtle aspects of hatha Yoga
Mythology and Symbolism behind asanas
Yoga Philosophies from ancient India
The Yoga of the Kathopanishad
Mythology and Symbolism behind Asanas-2
The Subtler dimensions of Asana Practice
Yoga Arudam - The Yogi's lifestyle and their Destiny
Atma Jnanam - Knowledge of the Atma
Finding the Purusha through balancing poses
Prana and Agni
An Introduction to Yoga Shastra and Philosophy
Bandhas and beyond
Who is a Yogi (as defined in the scriptures on yoga)
An Introduction to Yoga Sutras and Yoga Philosophy
Mystical dimensions of asana practice
The making of a Yogi
The lifestyle of a yogi and asana practice
Anga Laghavam - experience of lightness of the body in Asana pr
Aalambana -anchors in asana practice
Gifts of Yoga
Accessing deep stated of the mind through Prayatna and Shaitilya
Sequential and Non-sequential Progression
What comes from the long term practice of yoga - 2 ?
The Psychology of Food Craving and how Yoga helps overcome this
An Introduction to Yoga Philosophy
An empty stomach has one problem; A full stomach has a 100 problems
Lessons from Kapotasana
Long term practice of Yoga
The perfect pose: Perspectives from Ashtavakrasana
The Yogi, the Bogi and the Rogi
The costume that is hard to remove
Yoga: Then and Now - A lighter look at this ancient inward gazing practice
Know the rules of yoga well to break them correctly
Wind and Fire: Vatha and Pittha
Khlada - Pleasure not of the senses
The Psychology of Back Bends
An asana to boost your self confidence- Vasishtasana
Data-driven vs intuition based decision making
Guide to studying the Sutras and other yogic texts
The powerful yet ignored
Flexibility vs Malleability
By whatever means possible ...
What happens during meditation ? - From the annals of the Yoga Sutras
Removing the shroud of mystery surrounding ashtanga yoga
Vasanas and Samskaras: The "smell" of latent impressions
Moola Bandha Workshop
Once a Yogi always a Yogi
The Eustress and Distress of asana practice
Finding a suitable Yoga teacher : A scriptural perspective
Advanced Asana Practice and Circus
Breath, Bandha and Agni(Fire) : The core of Hatha Yoga
Ekapada Shirashasana and Ego in asana practice
The seldom taught part of asana practice
Yoganidrasana - The Cosmic Sleep Pose : Mythology and Subtle aspects
Links to topics on the subtle body
Kurmasana - Mythology and Symbolism
Pashasana: Conquering death through Yamas and Niyamas
The method prescribed by tradition to read the yoga sutras
Prowess in Poses
The Purusha Prakriti Conondrum
The difference between Hot Yoga and Hatha Yoga
Shri Mayuram : The Venerable Asana
As the Body is for the Purusha, Asanas are for Yoga
The Primordial Tapas
The Atma is much more difficult to realize than Ishwara
Mindfulness (Smriti): Tapping into the body's memory in asana practice
The most compelling link between yoga and vegetarianism in the scriptures
What is a Vinyasa ?
"Don't lose the thread" in yoga practice
Bandhas Demystified (without cosmic consciousness)
Yoga not enjoined by scriptures
The sequence of pleasure states in yoga
The body as a playground in yoga practice
Bandhas- The great protectors in asana practice
The Goddess Pose
The two types of asana practices
Aalambana: Support or Anchor in Yoga Practice
The guy who would fix his hair every few asanas
Mythology and Symbolism : Vasishtasana and Vishwamitrasana
Vajrasana, Laghu Vajrasana and Supta Vajrasana
Between the earth and the sky
Meditation posture
Parigasana: Gateway to the divine abode
Entering the eye of the storm
When Ego Busting becomes Ego Boosting
Dhvandhva - dualities (internal conflicts) and removal through asanas
Shraddha - Seen and unseen fruits of Yoga
Perspectives on Advanced Asanas
Your most valuable possessions for yoga -agni and prana
Why study the scriptures ?
Guru Worship in asana practice
Practical Implications of Agni and Prana
Setu Bandasana - Mythology and Symbolism
Backbends- natural stimulants
Creating space for the scriptures to do their work through asana practice
Asana Adjustments - The double edged sword
To prop or not to prop -that is the question
An overview summary of Yoga Arudam : A scriptural perspective
The use of Ujjayi Breath in Asana Practice
The most difficult aspect of yoga practice
A comparitive study of two great scriptures on Yoga
Durvasana -Mythology and Symbolism
Galavasana - Mythology and Symbolism
But what about the heavens ?
Janma and Karma : Which came first ?
Asana practice without inculcating other aspects of yoga
The analogy of the mind to a movie theater
Our 3 bodies
Gifts of Illness
Mythology and symbolism behind Bhairavasana
Seeming contradictions in the Bhagavad Gita
The Expanded Yoga Sutra Study Series
About the author
Why this site
Articles and Lecture presentations by Ganesh
Sutra Study Series
The Bhagavad Gita study series
The tale of the two waves
Puranas and Ithihasas
Finding Moola Bandha Workshop
Subtle aspects of hatha Yoga
Mythology and Symbolism behind asanas
Yoga Philosophies from ancient India
The Yoga of the Kathopanishad
Mythology and Symbolism behind Asanas-2
The Subtler dimensions of Asana Practice
Yoga Arudam - The Yogi's lifestyle and their Destiny
Atma Jnanam - Knowledge of the Atma
Finding the Purusha through balancing poses
Prana and Agni
An Introduction to Yoga Shastra and Philosophy
Bandhas and beyond
Who is a Yogi (as defined in the scriptures on yoga)
An Introduction to Yoga Sutras and Yoga Philosophy
Mystical dimensions of asana practice
The making of a Yogi
The lifestyle of a yogi and asana practice
Anga Laghavam - experience of lightness of the body in Asana pr
Aalambana -anchors in asana practice
Gifts of Yoga
Accessing deep stated of the mind through Prayatna and Shaitilya
Sequential and Non-sequential Progression
What comes from the long term practice of yoga - 2 ?
The Psychology of Food Craving and how Yoga helps overcome this
An Introduction to Yoga Philosophy
An empty stomach has one problem; A full stomach has a 100 problems
Lessons from Kapotasana
Long term practice of Yoga
The perfect pose: Perspectives from Ashtavakrasana
The Yogi, the Bogi and the Rogi
The costume that is hard to remove
Yoga: Then and Now - A lighter look at this ancient inward gazing practice
Know the rules of yoga well to break them correctly
Wind and Fire: Vatha and Pittha
Khlada - Pleasure not of the senses
The Psychology of Back Bends
An asana to boost your self confidence- Vasishtasana
Data-driven vs intuition based decision making
Guide to studying the Sutras and other yogic texts
The powerful yet ignored
Flexibility vs Malleability
By whatever means possible ...
What happens during meditation ? - From the annals of the Yoga Sutras
Removing the shroud of mystery surrounding ashtanga yoga
Vasanas and Samskaras: The "smell" of latent impressions
Moola Bandha Workshop
Once a Yogi always a Yogi
The Eustress and Distress of asana practice
Finding a suitable Yoga teacher : A scriptural perspective
Advanced Asana Practice and Circus
Breath, Bandha and Agni(Fire) : The core of Hatha Yoga
Ekapada Shirashasana and Ego in asana practice
The seldom taught part of asana practice
Yoganidrasana - The Cosmic Sleep Pose : Mythology and Subtle aspects
Links to topics on the subtle body
Kurmasana - Mythology and Symbolism
Pashasana: Conquering death through Yamas and Niyamas
The method prescribed by tradition to read the yoga sutras
Prowess in Poses
The Purusha Prakriti Conondrum
The difference between Hot Yoga and Hatha Yoga
Shri Mayuram : The Venerable Asana
As the Body is for the Purusha, Asanas are for Yoga
The Primordial Tapas
The Atma is much more difficult to realize than Ishwara
Mindfulness (Smriti): Tapping into the body's memory in asana practice
The most compelling link between yoga and vegetarianism in the scriptures
What is a Vinyasa ?
"Don't lose the thread" in yoga practice
Bandhas Demystified (without cosmic consciousness)
Yoga not enjoined by scriptures
The sequence of pleasure states in yoga
The body as a playground in yoga practice
Bandhas- The great protectors in asana practice
The Goddess Pose
The two types of asana practices
Aalambana: Support or Anchor in Yoga Practice
The guy who would fix his hair every few asanas
Mythology and Symbolism : Vasishtasana and Vishwamitrasana
Vajrasana, Laghu Vajrasana and Supta Vajrasana
Between the earth and the sky
Meditation posture
Parigasana: Gateway to the divine abode
Entering the eye of the storm
When Ego Busting becomes Ego Boosting
Dhvandhva - dualities (internal conflicts) and removal through asanas
Shraddha - Seen and unseen fruits of Yoga
Perspectives on Advanced Asanas
Your most valuable possessions for yoga -agni and prana
Why study the scriptures ?
Guru Worship in asana practice
Practical Implications of Agni and Prana
Setu Bandasana - Mythology and Symbolism
Backbends- natural stimulants
Creating space for the scriptures to do their work through asana practice
Asana Adjustments - The double edged sword
To prop or not to prop -that is the question
An overview summary of Yoga Arudam : A scriptural perspective
The use of Ujjayi Breath in Asana Practice
The most difficult aspect of yoga practice
A comparitive study of two great scriptures on Yoga
Durvasana -Mythology and Symbolism
Galavasana - Mythology and Symbolism
But what about the heavens ?
Janma and Karma : Which came first ?
Asana practice without inculcating other aspects of yoga
The analogy of the mind to a movie theater
Our 3 bodies
Gifts of Illness
Mythology and symbolism behind Bhairavasana
Seeming contradictions in the Bhagavad Gita
The Expanded Yoga Sutra Study Series
About the author
Why this site
The Yoga of the Kathopanishad
Video Recording
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