The lifestyle of a yogi


 Asana practice

Date and time : Sunday, July 21, 2024. 8am-10:00am PDT

Venue: Online and in-person in Sunnyvale 

There are limited seats for the in-person option available on a first-come first-served basis

People enter yoga asana practice for various reasons. One common reason to start yoga asanas is to remove physical and mental ailments after trying various modes of conventional treatment. Another reason is purely for physical fitness, wanting to do the many fancy poses that asana practice has to offer. After practicing for several years, they begin to discover a dimension of asana practice that is much more valuable than doing fancy poses. They go from the gross aspects of asana practice to its more subtle aspects. And when they let go of the need to strike a picture-perfect pose, and instead bask in the joy that comes with a pose, they find their bodies becoming more malleable to do poses that they never thought it was possible for them to do.

 Just to be able to do some of the poses for many years, requires one to change one's lifestyle to one more conducive to maintaining an asana practice. One finds this with many long-term Ashtanga Vinyasa and Iyengar yoga practitioners. This includes getting up early in the morning, going to bed early, regulating one's diet -often to a Vegetarian diet, etc. These lifestyle changes one makes, result in enormous health benefits - both physical and mental.

In this workshop, we will practice a few poses found in the Ashtanga Vinyasa primary series and use the concepts of Prana, bandha and Agni (the body's fire) to illustrate how the lifestyle changes one makes, augment these subtle-body entities, thus making one's asana practice deeper.

Cost : $20 for the 2-hour workshop If you are from a different country than the USA, please just pay what you would nominally pay for a yoga class in your country and send me a note. If you have financial difficulty or wish to pay a different amount, you may contact me with a well thought through email explaining why you are interested and I will accept your payment. 

Paypal, Venmo (Please use the friends and family option to avoid a fee)

Registration Link 

Liability Waiver:  If you have already signed a waiver with me you do not need to sign another one. If you have not, please cut and paste the contents from here and email me with the following sentence at the top "I acknowledge the terms and conditions of the waiver below". Please use the words "Liability waiver" in the subject.